Sonya O'Bannon

3 years ago

January 18, 2019.

January 18, 2019.
I was scheduled for an appointment at 1pm. I had clocked in for my appointment at 12:43. It was myself, and two other women, whom are pregnant waiting in the ultrasound area. My appointment was for an ultrasound to recheck a lump in my left breast. While sitting waiting two people were called. One had been there before myself and the two other women, and one had just arrived and had been called. That wasn t an issue. Everyone is there for different reasons. At 1:35 the pregnant lady to the right get up and walked to the front to ask about her appointment, which was scheduled at 1 pm as mine. We begin talking amongst each other. They had drunk water previously , as instructed before their appointment. I happened to see a staff member walking and asked if radiology is running behind. We were informed her that wasn t her department, but she would check for us. We explained how long we had been waiting. Upon returning we were told they would be with us shortly and advised the two pregnant women to use the restroom if they needed too. The other pregnant women ran to the restroom because she had been there almost as long as I. The time was now 1:40. We asked were they behind, which the staff member did not know, but told us it was several people back there working. I had become frustrated do to the fact no one ever came out to address us , and said why my appointment was behind, or gave an apology for any of the patients waiting to be seen. I left and went to the front desk. I asked could I reschedule my appointment, due to the fact, I had not been here an hr and has not been seen . The secretary gave me a card and informed me to use the phone on the wall to let them know that I was leaving. I ask her , so you want me to call them ,but they could not come out for an hour to let me know anything. I told her I would call to reschedule and not being addressed by any staff in Radiology is unprofessional. I would of typed this on Friday if I could of found the ICE comments section sooner.


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