3 years ago

This place is a joke! The nurses on the oncology f...

This place is a joke! The nurses on the oncology floor are boogie and disrespectful. From the moment my daughter got admitted it s been one problem after another. Our stay is only 7 days, the time it would take for my 20 month old to complete the last chemo cycle. I m only on day 4. Day 1 I notice the crib are raggedy and old, the rooms are filthy, and learned that parents had to pay for their meals. Day 2 a day nurse gave my daughter a zofran pill,( and my baby girl gagged), vomit every thing up, when she was suppose to receive zofran through iv.Also on day 2 I requested another crib that wouldn t hurt my hands to put it down. That night while checking my daughter s crib I was shocked to find a crib full of blood. An incompetent boogie nurse didn t tighten up the chemo to the broviac and it came apart. Leaving a crib full of blood. My baby blood. Day 3 of my stay in the hospital from hell, they finally brought a crib only to take it back out and that was another 2 hour wait. The blew me off when I tried to suggest something, then turn around to recite their mantra on how they strive to provide extraordinary care blah, blah,blah. They mislead me by telling me that they would like for me to be more involved and that they welcome opinions from parents. When my daughter s night nurse came in she told me that she took the liberty to place a zofran pill in another drug mixing it and I told her to make another batch. I also told her that she should have communicated to me and I would have told her my daughter take zofran only through iv, she s only 20months old. I also stated that I felt that they is trying to kill my baby girl. She responded that she been nursing for a few years and she s good at what she did, blah, blah, blah.Day 4, man o man.... my day was awesome up until shift change. They assign the best nurse on this side of the sun rays to us once again. She came in our room when she first came in to announce her glorious presence and left. She came back in with another nurse and 2 charge nurse. She approached me and said that she would not be my nurse because she don t feel comfortable. I told her I think that s a great idea, you shouldn t be my daughter nurse while feeling that way. She went on by correcting me by saying I feel comfortable with your daughter I just don t with you. I told her- that s fine again you removing yourself is a great idea! Then she went on and on accusing of being mean, and how no other nurse want to come into this room. The whole time the charge nurse is standing there allowing this shenanigans to continue. Am I m not the mother of the patient receiving chemo? Once I made the conscious decision to end the one sided conversation with the tantrum throwing nurse, that when the charge nurse decided to open her mouth by reciting the the CHOA mantra. I felt gang up on.They ethics and culture is a joke. They want parents to be seen and not heard. They are careless, they don t own their error and they gossip in the halls just to taint the mother s image. I don t feel comfortable and the worse part is I have to be here for 3 more days. CHOA is overrated.


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