Review of Sub Club

3 years ago

It is without a doubt THE BEST club in Glasgow.

It is without a doubt THE BEST club in Glasgow.

I've been coming here since student days of lore 22 years ago... And will continue to fir years to come.

Why?... because it is not your designer shirt and shiny shoe kinda place or designer trainer for that matter either, but if that floats your boat then you will - shock horror- still be Iet in. Because its not about how you dress, it's about whether you appreciate the MUSIC. And the guys on the door tend to have a good nose for this and haven't lost it over the last few decades.

You will find all ages here, as the sound system is phenomenal, the best in Glasgow - nay - the UK. In fact I'll have you know it is a well noted and respected club on the European clubbing scene.

I can't I'm afraid describe the music as I'm not on 'fleek' with music genres so apologies if I'm way off the mark - but it's along the lines of house/garage/trance/dance/rave/drum and bass. You will no doubt still find clips or even full sessions on Soundcloud or the subclub website somewhere to give you a clearer idea.

If you're into the commercial top 40 chart, 100000to the power of10bpm music, dancing round handbags (or KO ing people with your handbag) in 20inch heels - then stay away - you won't like it and neither will the people who's toes you've just impaled.

Even if you are a member of the above gang and still appreciate deep soul and heart thudding bass (occasionally funky - depends on the nights DJ) music then you're still welcome!

As long as your not off your t**s as you won't get in and you promise not to heel impale or knock people out with your handbag

P. S yes, the clientele and music has difffered slightly over the years because times move on... But I stand by the above statement as no other place has ever matched it...


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