4 years ago

I disliked my experience at this hospital. I had m...

I disliked my experience at this hospital. I had my first baby here. Basically, six hours before my son was born the midwife on that specific shift noticed meconium dripping out of me. An hour after that they noticed the baby seemed to be in distress. They didn't really do much of anything about it. I felt ignored quite honestly. My son was born six hours after the meconium was originally spotted and five hours after they noticed the baby was in distress. My son was born with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Apparently his lungs were so full of the stuff that they looked completely cloudy on the scans. I kind of feel like this could have been prevented. I would of had a c-section if they asked me, but they never gave me the option... because I was basically ignored. My son ended up being in the NICU for a week due to this situation.

What makes this experience even more hated is the fact that one of the nurses up there had absolutely zero emotion and people skills. An hour after my son was born she came up to my room from the NICU to give my husband and I an update on the baby. Basically, she literally looked at my husband and I and said the following, WORD FOR WORD, "Honestly, I can't believe you guys aren't crying right now. Your son could die from this." Like, are you joking me?! Who the hell are you to say something like that?! I just pushed a baby out an hour ago, terrified of what is happening, and you come waltzing in telling me you're surprised I'm not crying??? I have no clue who she thought she was, but I hate her for what she said (not to mention the look of disgust she gave my husband and I). For the life of me I can't remember her name, and lucky for her, cause I'd put it on blast! All I can tell you is that she had a very strong foreign accent.

*****The only reason this review is getting two stars is because of the amazing work the NICU did for my son. The main doctor in there was unbelievably amazing. He was so detailed and thorough with information when we came to visit our son. He also recognized us as soon as we walked in. You can tell he takes pride in his work and always makes sure he remembers the families! He remembered who our son was and gave us an update right on the spot. He also told us that NONE of his nurses should be telling us our son is going to die because it wasn't even close to that. It makes me wonder if the second nurse in the room that day made a complaint about the accented women who had zero human skills.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend this hospital for giving birth. If you want proper care and nurses that can actually give you one on one time to help you through the pain, you most likely won't get it here. Do your research and have your baby somewhere else!


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