

4 years ago

I live here and I love it but, please try not to v...

I live here and I love it but, please try not to visit our beautiful Long Island TO much unless you have family here and your familiar with our driving etiquette. There are to many cars on the road as is and we just dont need another if your going to be afraid of merging or just wont offer basic "common curtesty" when it comes to traffic jams or rush hour traffic. However, it really is ok if your just the kind of person who likes to take their sweet time on the road but, for gods sake drive in the right lane then! Better yet, take a bus or train. If you do decide that the train or bus is your best bet while visiting, you may have some over crowding during the usual rush hours so you may need to stand due to lack of space. If you or your loved one is elderly, pregnate, handicapped or even a child, dont be afraid to politly ask any healthy, capable and lazy human who pretended not to see you when you got on, to give up his or her seat for your loved one in need, even the seat of anyone who is more then clearly healthy and taking over a handicapped spot if they are (only clearly) not handicapped or elderly themselves. Most likely, this wont happen because someone seeing your need, will offer their seat to you or your loved one before this happens. Also, and this is important...DO NOT freak out and push past everyone in your moments of fustration, or stand so close to someone that your sweaty butt or hairy sweaty back is pressed up agienst someone else. Its gross, and we WILL tell you all about yourself if we have to! Its simple, just remember to be a considerate human. We are not mean, ...we just dont want to talk to you sometimes! Most likely we are feeling "bla" about heading to work or tired from the day and heading home, and what could seem like we just arent being friendly and smiling at you is actually just that we're busy with our own sh#* (just because your on vacation doesnt mean we are) and we will notice your rudeness and inform you of it because in NY you WILL be treated the way your treating others. Other then that youll find that we are mostly respectful, kind and enjoy humor like anyone else and we are more then happy to chat if eye contact has been made and a smile is exchanged.

Our Island Is beautiful so enjoy your stay and thank you very much. ;)


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