Sheila Marin

3 years ago

After 10 min standby:

After 10 min standby:

-Goodnight! Is the schedule correct, 24 hours? (Amblemente)
- no, we don't open 24 hours. Where did you get the phone from? (serious tone)
- from google maps!
- and what does it put there? (impertinently)
-open 24h! But it was to make sure and to ask about a medicine. (In a voice of wonder!
-Well, no?
-you have x
- No! (Reply 1 second later)
-and cannot be achieved?
-Do not! (Hanging)

Long live friendliness and customer service !! Long live the pharmacies 24h that cannot get medicines! Bravo!!! Bravo!! For this girl who is attending that well and in a pharmacy! (Ironic tone, in case you read it and don't understand it) it is clear that you do not do your job well).


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