
yolanda capers

4 years ago

Good morning. My name is Yolanda and want everyone...

Good morning. My name is Yolanda and want everyone to know how much of a horror camp Richmond Center is. If you're considering placing your family in this nursing home for any type of service please DO NOT DO IT!!! Please listen to my story. My brother was in this nursing home for rehabilitation and I had to take him out of here. It was the most disgusting and filthiest facility I've ever been to in my entire life. The staff was horrible, disrespectful, and very unattended to my brother and other patients needs. My brother was ignored, fed extremely cold powdered food and his bed was never changed. My brother whom was suppose to be provided care for rehabilitation for walking and his speech was taken to a dungeon on the bottom level of the facility for five minutes where they didn't have the proper equipment to conduct rehab for him. Five minutes of taking someone out of there room and bringing them back is not what rehabilitation is suppose to be. He was housed on the second floor inside of room 236 and about two doors down from his room they provide a room where the patients are allowed to smoke cigarettes inside of it. A CNA stands outside the door and let's about 6 patients at a time inside to smoke. The patients line up against the wall approximately 20-30 patients and all are allowed to go into this room and smoke cigarettes. Most of the patients walking around are dirty, have soiled their clothing from urine and feces and smell from not being properly cared for and the entire floor smells like funk, feces and smoke. Imagine that scent, believe me you would want to throw up. Once the patients have finished smoking if they want another cigarette they move to the back of the line to re enter the room to have another smoke. Really!!!! My brother and several other patients complained everyday about the smoke, and his room smelled as if he was inside of a smoke tobacco factory. I have never in my life known a nursing home to let you smoke inside of where patients are there to be rehabilitated. There was towels on the floor outside of patients rooms with feces on it left there for hours before any CNA's even removed it. During feeding time the CNA's would feed at least four patients at the same time and at times using the same utensil. It was disgusting and sad. I literally watched a CNA threaten to fight a patient and offered her a one on one fight in front of one of the supervisors and nothing was done to the CNA. My brother would ring the bell for assistance and would be ignored with not one nurse or CNA caring to attend to his needs. My presence was shown on a regular at this facility having to come all the way from Brooklyn to Staten Island at least four times a week because my brother would call every day and all day crying because of being mistreated by staff here. My brother who needed assistance in his feeding, speech and walking would lay all day in his bed with the cold food they'd bring him and would be hungry and crying because they would not help him eat knowing that he could not do it himself. Im writing my story here because this place needs to be shut down completely. By the second week I packed my brother up and removed him from this horror hole. My brother complained so much in such a short time of being there that the doctor prescribed him a psychotic medication called haldol which is prescribed for patients who are schizophrenic or bipolar and my brother is not a psych patient. The nurse said the doctor prescribed it to keep him quiet. I was disgusted and sick to my stomach and thank god my brother refused to take it also. On December 26, 2015 at approximately 10 am in the morning a nurse returned to his room to administer this pill again to him due to his complaining and by
then I'd had enough. I realized exactly what was going on here. I returned to Richmond Center this same day and packed my brother up and his belongings and took him out of this hell hole. My brother is now in a loving clean professional nursing home where he is receiving the care rehabilitation that he needs.


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