Teresa Cline

3 years ago

Academy House Condos and It's Downfall (2013)

Academy House Condos and It's Downfall (2013)

As January, 2013 hit a new counsel president was elected (Barbara) and a new management company took over (Wentworth). Ever since then because of the Condo Association cutting costs where ever they can all the employees are quitting and old time residents are selling their units.
They pay their workers bottom dollar so you do not get maintenance workers knowing what they are doing. You basically get what you pay for. If you call maintenance for a small leak for instance you will be paying for them to come 2 or more times to fix the problem. Do you really want to pay this. It should be diagnosed right the first time. Again, you get what you pay for with the quality of the workers. Also condo fees will be going up because Academy House did not budget over the years and now is in debt with over one million so that is what you are paying for.


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