4 years ago

The United Nations recently prohibited forced psyc...

The United Nations recently prohibited forced psychiatry. The Merrifield CSB and countless other centers around the country violate this international standard and employ forced psychiatry.

From the UN Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) on its visit to the United States of America. A/HRC/36/37/Add.2. : Involuntary institutionalization of persons with psychosocial disabilities and forced treatment is prohibited. You can Google that sentence, it's true.

DO NOT send your partner or loved one to the CSB for psychiatric evaluation if you value their dignity and freedom. Most likely most of the people "helped involuntarily" by their psychiatrists here were basically scared into submission and that's how they "got better". The psychiatrists here that I ran across last year were power tripping and deeply inhumane.

Quite sad, because there are some good parts of the CSB, possibly even most of the CSB. I hope Fairfax County defunds the psychiatric arm of their county.

Now this is a separate topic,
I understand part of the CSB is to "divert" drug addicts from jail. How about the county (which the CSB is apart of) stops sending people to jail for drugs in the first place??? There's no point to that.


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