Allison Lasher

3 years ago

I wanted to get a good security system (mainly bec...

I wanted to get a good security system (mainly because I have a large basement, and being here by myself, I want to feel safe.)
ADT was all set and ready to come out, then someone suggested a local company called Red Safety. Their rep Melissa Bavinka came out and sold me their system, I spent over $4K. Half of that cost was just for the outdoor cameras, because she told me that their cameras are "the only ones that hold up in court if ever needed". She said she used to work for ADT and said that even their cameras won't hold up in court (i.e. picture of someone breaking in). I found out later that this is a complete lie!
She also told me that if I ever wanted to switch to another security company, that all the equipment can be re-used, which was another lie, even ADT said they can't re-use it.
In the first several months, their system was nothing but problems.
It constantly malfunctioned in the basement (the main reason I got the security system).
I've lost count of how many times their technicians have come out to my house, I'm thinking 7 times?
At one point the system didn't work for over 2 months.
Even their smoke alarm malfunctioned (it calls the fire department if it detects smoke). I got a visit from the fire department in the middle of the night, fully geared firemen in my house, because their system malfunctioned and called them!
I requested 9 times to please have one of the owners call me. My emails and messages get ignored, and when I called the office, no one ever answered.
I tried to request a refund because of their system constantly malfunctioning, but they just continued to ignore me.
I am in tears, that $4K was an awful lot of money to me.
I reported them to WA State AG, and their response to my AG complaint was that everything was my fault, they took no blame at all. Disgusting.
I would have had some respect for them if they had even taken blame for one thing, just ONE. But nope.
(legal dislclaimer....."in my opinion") DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!! Once they get your money, they will not help. Stick with ADT or a reputable nationwide company, not some rinky dink local company who lies to get your money, then blames you when it malfunctions.
**UPDATE: I requested several times to cancel service due to the horrible experience I've had since I signed up a few months ago (and paid over $4K to buy/install their equipment). They will not cancel me unless I pay a $2K cancellation fee. Greedy owners already got over $4K from me a few months ago, now want another $2K to cancel my service, even though their equipment didn't properly for months.
**Response to owner's note below......he is lying.....my wi-fi never caused any issues, not once. They still, to this day, can't admit that the malfunctions were their fault. But I guess they need to make themselves look good to keep business. Please please trust me when I say don't use this company! The owners don't care about you once they've gotten their money. Customer service is horrible. I've left three messages now to please cancel my service, no one responds.
Cool 1


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