Alice G.
Review of ESC Rennes

4 years ago

DEPLORABLE education quality.

DEPLORABLE education quality.
I did not have a teacher who stood out, I even had a Spanish teacher who was on the verge of depression, at each class he blamed the school because he was not paid enough (yes he repeated this to us, students who paid 10,800 to attend classes.) He deplored the school and its lack of funds.

I complained among other things because: we waited more than 6 months to receive our student card. Once I left for Erasmus, although I had changed my home address, they sent my student card to my old address, they asked me to pay the fees in order to send it to me abroad, so that I was paying 10,800 euros a year ??! We waited months for an updated and working schedule on the platform. Two days before my Erasmus stay, Ms. Laeticia Madeline still had not sent a mandatory document to my school there (my father must have got angry on the phone because she ignored my e-mails).
I was second in the competition to enter PGE2, so when I applied I was promised that all Erasmus destinations would be open to us. When making our choice we realize that most were already chosen by the PGE1 !! My dream and my plan to study and live in Amsterdam fell apart. I cried about it. Mainly because I chose this school for this reason.

Then, be aware that you will have to wait 4 months to have the results of your exams (and the classrooms are sometimes not updated on the DAY of the exam, a friend lost 15 minutes because the platform indicated the wrong room). Oh but also know that you are told that the calculators will be provided during the exams and the day you show up they didn t have enough planned !!!!!!! Organization level you will understand, this school is worth 0! You will have the dates of your exams a few days before the exams, which is great for getting organized. You are threatened not to validate the semester if you have more than 3 unjustified absences. If we commit to going to business school and paying 10,800, that's good because we have the motivation to succeed !!!!! Regarding the courses you will be overwhelmed with group projects in all subjects (I had 8 projects and 9 exams), you will also be forced to study English, yes English lessons !!!! While you are supposed to have a very good level already. I felt like I was in college, we were reviewing the basics! You are also forced to attend events (the same, otherwise you are threatened with an unjustified absence ....) so you are given little papers to be stamped to prove your presence ... it just seems unbelievable. We were taken for children and never taken seriously.
We are not aware of anything, when making certain decisions it is too late to take such or such a path, in particular the double diploma because we tell you a month in advance that you had to take the TOEFL if you wanted to do this course. (while NOBODY warned us). If we don't send 5 emails a day we are LOST in this school. And if we get an answer, then we can count ourselves lucky.
So yes the school is superb and the premises are beautiful (when there is heating in winter! We went to class with our coats). I still have so much to say but I will stop here. We sell you dreams in this school but everything is appearances, nothing lives up to their promises.


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