L.J. Miller
Review of PRM Realty

4 years ago

Update (11/2)

Update (11/2)
First, to any prospective tenants who may be reading this long thread I do apologize for its length. All of the pictures from 114 Brentwood wont post, but the house is truly unlivable until this issue is fixed. My children and I were vomiting for 2 weeks straight, losing hair, etc.. (When I called to explain this to them, that's when Charles hung up on me.)

My husband and I decided that it truly is important to let the public know what kind of slumlords they're dealing with here. So, that is the reason for all of the updates over an issue that spans for majority of our time as tenants. (about 5 months)

They basically threatened my husband with making a stink with his command if I didn't take my review down. (My post, not his.) (Pictured below is his response.)

They blocked us from making any more reviews. Which, as a business owner, I didn't even know was possible.

Funny, my pet (which they knew about) hasn't been there in over two months now. What you're probably smelling is the smell of black mold increasing throughout the house. We had an inspection with housing for this very reason since you couldn't be bothered to come out yourself. I'll have them be in touch. Since you never bothered sending cleaning guidelines we went of off standard military procedure, and I must say, I never received that complaint. What I did hear was that the smell of bleach was a bit overpowering. I hired a professional to do this, so save it. So, you have to paint? Big whoop. You're mad about basic wear and tear? Where were those efforts in getting it ready for me? I got the carpets cleaned, which Is really irrelevant when you think about the deadly black mold thats continuing to grow. I do have pictures of the state the house was in prior to us moving in. There were issues the day I moved out that had been reported weeks/months prior. You should probably try getting rid of the mold, since you have enough time to respond to this google listing so promptly. (He isn't such a tough guy when you actually show up in person.) Also, "irrational"? Is it really irrational to expect that you make our home liveable? We had this same problem with PRM before, and it wasn't until my roommate at the time got a lawyer involved that you finally stopped harassing us. Is that the only language you understand? Had I realized this was the same UNprofessional company, I would've told my husband long ago.

(and another thing: if you take a look around their office, you'll see that many of the people posting good reviews work there! lol, that's too funny.)

He's lying in his response. We tried to get with them several times and I even gave them permission to go in my home without me if I wasn't there.

'On to my new issue: mold. A little back story: myself, and my kids have been sick for months. (fevers, bronchitis, hair loss, throwing up, etc) When the doctors couldn't figure it out, I started to look around the house and that's when I noticed the mold.

I've alerted them now two days ago. First, they sent a roofer. (One who told me that he's already worked on this house before, same issues.) I understand that these things take a little time, but Charles told me (Before hanging up in my face) that they have up to 30 days to fix it and that I can just live in my mold infested home until further notice. They can't even give me a timeframe other than "sometime next week" as to when they'll be out to assess the damages.

but of course, we're expected to pay the rent in full... even though we're sleeping in the living room. (the part of the house with the least mold)

Also, he basically scolded me for calling housing. (lol)

Are you guys ever going to replace our front door knob, which literally doesn't lock? (I'm also pretty sure our front door is a closet or bedroom door, but I digress.)

My husband and I have both reached out several times in the last MONTH. We figured maybe it would be easier to get answers here.

Out of town/military renters beware. Oh how I wish I had been able to view this dump in person before commiting.


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