
4 years ago



All accounts, Private and named accounts like Metro (as of 2016), will use a PAPER system to report hours. Complete and utter confusion when it comes to getting paid as a result. Only one field supervisor most of the time for Private accounts, and he doesn't collect those papers because he's too busy filling posts for callouts. See below.

Security attracts most rejects of the workforce. Be prepared to be begged to fill shifts when someone calls out. Some of these guys have the easiest job in the world, and will slack off, or even steal property they're supposed to be guarding.

Overall, toxic environment wherever you go except for some select accounts. 95% of the people are not worth the effort, time, or reasoning. You have young stupid ones, and old stubborn ones. 65% of the employees here have some sort of criminal record.

0 stars for professionalism. 2 stars for some of the guards who want to do the right thing and made some of the posts amicable and fun.


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