Lyran 28

4 years ago

The shop gets a solid 4 stars for their large body...

The shop gets a solid 4 stars for their large body of supplies but this review is for the psychics. They don't tend to employ new ones but continue to use the same old ones year in and out. The psychics there seem to have a monopoly. We need accurate fresh blood here! I have to say after trying most of them out multiple times I have a very good sense of how accurate they are. So here is some advice when it comes to choosing a reader there. I have always felt those readers that focus on angels are the least accurate. I remember a particular african american reader who is no longer there that was very bright and good at what he did. I have never had any success with ambiki, who is florid in speech and scattered, all over the place. She was such a turn off I said "Never again!". It appears that all of these readers aren't very well read when it comes to an overall understanding of the psychic arts. They specialize in one field and don't bother continued education in other subject matters related to the paranormal. That is to their disadvantage as they ALL can stand improvement. They are also not well versed or knowledgeable about ET contact or ET phenomena, some even expressing a "vague" comment that this "doesn't matter" when it matters very much to the person asking the question. Another one expressed fear at the thought, and fearmongering shouldn't be present as that's ignorance. I thought that many of them (James, Courtney) ask too many questions instead of giving a cold reading, as a cold reading is WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GIVING CLIENTS, and I am not paying someone who is asking ME questions, when they are psychic. Im also not looking for their opinion advice, but spirits advice. They should be able to give me great content without asking ME anything. I feel disappointment when they ask personal questions as it contaminates the reading. I also notice that on different days depending what goes on in their life, the reading will be very good and then on another day its just awful and not helpful at all. I feel I've wasted my money. I am also questioning if late in the day appointments are accurate at all, as they have been reading all day by then and are burned out. I do think that they all possess some psychic ability, but aren't as outstanding as they may think they are. I've had no luck with Paula. I had a reading with Dennis and he basically spoke about my being fat, he didn't say it that way, but I thought it was inappropriate to hone in on that subject matter. It seems many of these "psychics" are like friends who are simply regurgitating what I have already told them. I really don't appreciate that at all, as they are supposed to be PSYCHIC.. and psychic phenomena is real. There is no reason to have to ask me ANY questions AT ALL if one is GREAT at what they do. I have had readings with Courtney and she tends to veer off into other subjects and suck up all the time in the reading. I'm then left hungering for answers that aren't answered because she has hogged the time & the reading with her anecdotes. Also her comments such as "We will never know til we get there" are said, and that's simply not true, there are ways to access a lot of information. When I ask her direct pointed questions, she seems not to be a specialist in that area and tells me this, and these are the answers I seek the most. When I ask these psychics who is around me, their answers are not specific or helpful. I am looking for an honest cold reading, as honest as my review. Lately I've thrown my money away. I don't need to tell them one thing, they are supposed to be reading me. I also had readings with Jennifer, was super good one time, & horribly wretched the next, acting weird & moody which, of course, totally affected the accuracy of the reading. I couldn't believe the DIFFERENCE in the 2 readings, one being so successful, and the other one lousy as if she really didn't care to put any effort into it. These "psychics" are phoning it in, literally and figuratively and aren't trying to better themselves at all.


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