
3 years ago

I visited the foodbank not the worship centre. Th...

I visited the foodbank not the worship centre. The people there were nice and helped us through the paperwork and understood that being in a cast due to diabetic wounds I couldn't stand in some long line without impeding any further healing. A nice change. A great and generous selection of food. including milk. You can't make most of the dry foods foodbanks give you without milk. They understand this. Debt from old medical bills means we have very little in our budget for food. My monthly disability cheque doesn't carry very far anymore with the high prices of food thesedays. Both my wife and I are grateful for the help they have provided. My health as a diabetic suffered greatly from the overwhelming level of starches that elevated my blood sugars that other foodbanks could only furnish. Not their fault. We were overjoyed at the fruits, nuts and vegetables we received. We haven't seen a head of lettuce for years for instance. Guess we went to the wrong places. Now we have two! And other makings for a salad.Cool. I think I'll be much healthier and be able to get my badly needed back surgery sooner now. Until my foot first heals no surgery. We'll try to make the food last and visit once a month. I have troubles driving. Go figure, with a huge cast on one foot.
My doc said our poor diet was hurting my healing. Hopefully, Not so now that we found this minstry. They also try to find work for younger folk who aren't disabled. Fab! for that. Self respect and humility are also part of a healthy person. I loved working when I still could. Going to check out services too although Mtn Springs is at the complete opposite from where we live. Expensive in terms of gas when you can only fill up once a month.


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