3 years ago

I asked to send a package by regular mail and they...

I asked to send a package by regular mail and they tried very hard to up-sell me to their UPS service. After convincing them that I only want regular mail they asked for my phone number. I know they require that for UPS but USPS does not. They insisted they must have my phone number to simply send mail. They asserted it was required in case something goes wrong during shipment. I asked if they take responsibility for the package after the chain of custody changes from The UPS to USPS and they gave me a blank stare. The answer is obviously no. Once it is mailed USPS takes responsibility and UPS does will not take any action if something goes wrong. They just wanted to add my personal information to their system so they can market to me and lying about it to cover their true motive. Not cool.

The guy attending to me was very annoyed that I was questioning them at all. When I said I was going to the post office instead of using their service he muttered, "okay, good". He didn't care at all that he was loosing a customer for UPS and seemed happy to be getting rid of me.

So I went to the post office and mailed it. They did not ask me for my phone number or any other personal information other than a return address.


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