Nicole O'Brien

3 years ago

I went to the er as a last resort one afternoon, a...

I went to the er as a last resort one afternoon, and was treated so poorly immediately after handing over my insurance card (State insurance). Mind you, I had a good paying job who didn't offer benefits so I was paying $300+ a month for the terrible Obama plan bs and yet couldn't find a primary care physician to save my life. So I had no choice but the er because could have lost my job if I didn't produce a doctor's note and being a holiday other walk in clinic were closed. (I was vomiting severly and work in restaurants so this wasn't okay for work) so as soon as my insurance documents are handed over the mood of the staff towards me changed completely. They wanted to dose me with some drug but wouldn't explain what it was, or even give me the name. Then they started accusing me of drug seeking, mind you this is as I'm refusing to take the Dixie cup w/ mystery pill. So somehow as refusing to take the pills without further knowledge, I was (in their minds) drug seeking? What!? The nurse said the doc would come talk to me regarding the pill so I waited and waited. Two hours and no doctor nor note for work. Just rude nurses every once and a while checking to see if the room had emptied yet. . Another time the memorial family wrote me a script for my sons pin worms without any exam what so ever. Just my explanation of symptoms. And he's four and had an itchy butt. . It could have been a simple rash. . But no physical exam took place to confirm. So then I go to fill the one dose one time script St Fred Meyer and it's $2100 and not covered my insurance. Who the hell has that kinda cash lying around on a weekend, holiday, and as a State insurance patient? Needless to say I held off on the script and his itch was gone without medical perscription in just two days.
I value the opportunity to ask questions and feel confident of what I'm putting in my body. Memorial is so money focused and they have doctor's practical running from door to door and as a result the doctors act like your being such a bother if you ask even the most valid questions you have. It's not the fault of doctors but of the hospital industry memorial has sold it's soul to. I'd avoid that place at all costs.


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