4 years ago

I got an uncomfortable experience here. Informatio...

I got an uncomfortable experience here. Information systems and attitudes of some of the nurses are not cooperative.

For patients who are taking treatment for the first time here, they will have difficulty what to do, what to do and where to go. Even patients who have been treated here for a long time, for example after surgery or undergoing further treatment such as radiotherapy, some will find it difficult and confused what to do and where to go.

For example, a person - we call mother - in the RADIOTHERAPY section who is in charge of scheduling - I do not name names - is supposed to serve patients and answer questions from confused patients who are chased when scheduled to see doctors, instead acting ignorant, arrogant and not. rarely get angry if there are questions that are repeated by the patient because the patient does not understand or there is information that may not be enough. I have witnessed this myself during the waiting period from 9 am to around 12 noon on several occasions. I myself sometimes feel sad (felling bad) at people who are affected by anger, because in my opinion the question is sensible and deserves a clear answer.

As a suggestion, try the Dharmais Hospital management department - or whoever has the authority to control quality of service, check frequently, or better yet, impersonate a patient and mingle with the patient, so not just receiving reports on the table.
Try to see and feel it with your own eyes, a patient who is in pain, waiting for an uncertain schedule, is treated uncomfortable by the nurse.

Do not be lulled by the good name "BEST CANCER Hospital", because it bears a big name there is responsibility and excellent service.

Disclaimer: my experience may be different from the experience of others, so my review should not be used as an absolute standard. Besides, the doctors here are very friendly and professional.


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