Patricia Pitcher

3 years ago

So I'm actually writing this for somebody who came...

So I'm actually writing this for somebody who came in as a new patient last week if I am able to leave photos at the end of this I will put up the exact screenshot of text that I received from him right after he left the practice. And I actually tried to call them (although he told me not to )and I couldn't even get anybody to answer the phone in the middle of the day I tried twice. Basically somebody that I know who attends another local pain clinic and has been a patient there for a long time. Has been at his present job for 38 years and has no drug or alcohol problems. He's had Some recent issues with his longtime clinic lately so he decided that he was going to go talk to another doctor. Hence picking CNY pain.So he's there he's waiting in the room he says he can hear the doctor loud and clear talking out in the hall how this was somebody that they originally turned down but then decided to see him (talking about my friend) and that he was going to go on in and try to get rid of him. Meaning my friend! So my friend is sitting in the room he clearly hears the doctor saying all this in the hall Are you kidding me? What kind of place would have a doctor that would talk loud enough to have a potential new patient hear them? So he said he waited 30 minutes more after hearing that conversation and the doctor came in and rush rush rush and got him out of there. He said he felt like he was on a speed date He said all the doctor ended up doing was confusing him. Said that he didn't see any reason for him to be on any kind of medication and rushed him out the door. He has been on medication because he needs to have surgery but he won't do it Or I should say maybe he's afraid to do it but he has never had any issues as far as taking his pain medication . He said to me that he guesses he will just stay where he's at because even they were better than this place ! honest to God you are being shamed of yourself for treating people like that! I would've given this business zero stars But they force you to give one I will tell every single person that I know loud and clear that they have doctors that obviously don't care about patients. Who talk loudly in front of them and rudely say things like they're going to try to get rid of them! I say STAY AWAY!!!


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