K Blister

3 years ago

If you expect your counselors to read your file, o...

If you expect your counselors to read your file, or anything you fill out in group - This is not the place for you.
If you would like group leaders who are consistently late and have no plan for the day expecting us to come up with something, and have zero contact with group members outside of group - This is probably the right place for your needs.
If you would like to see a nurse practitioner or psychiatrist within four days of admission - this is not the place for you.
If you would like to feel supported by the staff at the facility you are giving hundreds of dollars to DAILY - this is not the facility you should choose.

If you would like an intake process that lasts 15 minutes, only to be told later they usually last an hour - This just might be your spot!
If you would like to feel continually in crisis with no assistance, despite this being the place you GO for help - This is your place!

If you would like to feel like you came out significantly worse than when you went in and then get to pay thousands of dollars you don t have for the privilege - Wow are you in for a treat!
Oh, speaking of that payment, good luck actually making it. The website doesn t work and nobody answers in the billing department.

The options for mental health care for people in crisis are abysmal in this town, this country.
If this is your option, go here! You ll no doubt have a better experience than me. Wouldn t be difficult. If you have other options, maybe try that first. I hope things get better for you.


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