Sterling Thompson

4 years ago

Let me start off by mentioning I live in BREMERTON...

Let me start off by mentioning I live in BREMERTON. One of their door to door salespeople came knocking on my door on a Tuesday that I stayed home with one of my sick children. I politely explained to her I wasn't interested as I just bought the house and the previous owners had just replaced the roof. I thought it odd that a roofing company would go selling their service door to door like a Kirby vacuum, especially since it was a time me or my neighbors aren't usually home and I don't usually have people knocking on my door that I don't know. But she was wearing a jacket with the company logo and was very professional, so I didn't think much of it.

About a month later on a Saturday, ANOTHER salesperson comes knocking on my door. He explains that they are in the neighborhood installing a roof. I explain to him my roof is still new, but he suggests that it might be helpful to have an estimator come take a look. Furthermore, he mentions that I could hang onto their information and call them in 3-4 years when I would need their services. At this point, I'm just letting this poor man do his spiel because I feel bad that he's working for a company utilizing an antiquated and ineffective sales tactic. I give him my information to set up an appointment for an estimator to come by later that week and he informs me that I will be receiving a call shortly to verify what he discussed. Okay no problem, he thanks me for my time and he is on his way. I get a call about 5 minutes later from his associate. She reviews the information I shared with the salesman a few minutes ago. We come to discussing the age of my roof, which is 2 years at most. She asks if I'm having any issues-- yep, you guessed it, no because it's still new. Her tone quickly changes to annoyed, and pertly tells me a roof has a life of 15-20 years. She promptly ends the call in a way that not so subtly tells me, "Thank you for wasting my time".

TLDR: A roofing company based in Tacoma comes knocking on my door all the way up in Bremerton, not once, but twice. I fall for the hat trick the second time and agree to an appointment with an estimator, even though my roof is obviously new. I get a call back shortly after cancelling the appointment, because it would be a waste of everyone's time.

Congratulations, Tristate Roofing, you are second to Comcast of companies I despise. Your people come knocking on MY door, then have the nerve to call me to tell me I'm wasting THEIR time. Next time you guys drop by, I'm letting my dog loose.


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