Jiway Pakistan

4 years ago

Im arrived today 6/26/19 morning like 3:30am i go ...

Im arrived today 6/26/19 morning like 3:30am i go in gurad room for chek in and the gurad is totally drunk i give him paperwork he try to find p.o number but he could not find then he asak me where p.o then i told him here p.o number then he entered 3 time he wrote wrong then he told me come back 6:50am because my he told me my appointment 7am but i see in computer my appointment 7am but not 6/26 its showing 6/27. Then he told me go around and come back and park on street when i come back try to get out then he agin come and asak me whre im going then im explain him as you told me come back 6:50am thats whay im going outside i will come back 6:50am then he said oh ok go he is totally drunk totally drunk. I have a question if a truck driver drink then we get our license suspend but other all peoples can drink and doing they are job so nobody asak him. WTF


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