Mindy Johnson

3 years ago

I'm only posting this because I attempted to addre...

I'm only posting this because I attempted to address the issues with management, and they didn't even take the time to respond, .....

We (friends and I) typically visit the Delta King once a year, for an annual boat trip up the river. This time it was for a quick one day trip with just my husband. We checked in yesterday, on our anniversary, after a hectic day. The front desk staff was kind, and inquired how we were. I informed her it was a less then fabulous day, as well as our anniversary. She stated she was "sorry to hear that," and asked us if "we would like to upgrade our room for an additional $50?" Thanks, but no thanks. Shortly there after, we walked into our room, there were roses on the desk, we commented how lovely and thoughtful the gesture was.

The boat was under renovations, not a big deal. Service at the restaurant/lounge was marginal at best, not a big deal. This is where things take a turn for the worse. When we went to bed and peeled back the comforter, something got stuck on my hand. I looked down to see some sort of sticker/tag (not mine) wrapped in someones hair (not mine), this was gross. I saved it, to show the staff when we checked out in the morning, as it was to late in the evening to address it at this point. Bad to worse - here we go - When we were packing up in the morning, I did a final check to make sure we had not missed anything, apparently more then your housekeeping services does. I looked under the bed, bad idea. In addition to finding an exceptional amount of dust and dirt, I found a dirty napkin (not mine, beyond gross), a breakfast voucher that was from 8/2/17 (six days before we checked in), and a women's boot . Yep, I'm serious, somewhere Cinderella lost her shoe, and who knows how long it would have gone unnoticed. At this point we were thoroughly disgusted. Between the hair sticker in our bed, and what we found underneath it, we just wanted to go home and take a shower.

Checking out: I politely informed the kind gentlemen (he said he was a supervisor) at the front desk of the issues we encountered, showed him the hair and the pictures of under the bed, He apologized and called a passing housekeeper over to address our issues, which was a little odd to me. Shouldn't such personnel issues be addressed outside of the guest presence? He then stated because of our inconvenience he was going to go ahead and credit our valet fee, he "wished he could do more, but that's all could do." Really your going to credit me $22 after we stayed in a room that was disgusting? More of a slap in the face then anything else. I thanked him, and waited as he reviewed our final charges. He listed our room charge, lounge charge, and gift shop charge. Wait, what? "Gift Shop Charge?" I informed him I never visited any gift shop. He proceed to tell me we had "ordered a dozen roses" to our room. Are you kidding me, I kept waiting for the punch line, it never came. I politely informed him that we never ordered roses, however there were roses in our room when we arrived. After a couple of minutes looking into the notes, he realized, yes we should have not been charged for those, and removed them.

$190.70 later we left, varying from laughing because it was such a disaster, to being angry and sad because the complete lack of guest service and doubting we will ever return. It makes me sad, we so look forward to our yearly trip, and am disappointed that this trip took away an important component of possible future trips.


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