Jina Yi

3 years ago


At first, I was very unhappy with ADS customer service for the reasons below. However, ADS was extremely proactive in remedying the situation and now I am extremely satisfied. As soon as my insurance approved the authorization, ADS got my order ready and out the door. I believe that my initial experience was not representative of ADS as a whole and I applaud their customer service department for going above and beyond to make sure I could get my supplies as fast as possible.

So, I'm actually really impressed with ADS customer service! Less than one day after I posted the original review, a rep contacted me and helped me get everything sorted out. It turns out we do need some more paperwork (which I found a little frustrating, because I was told multiple times by multiple reps that they had all the paperwork necessary and all I had to do was wait), but hopefully that was the last of the miscommunication. They also apologized for the lack of communication on behalf of the company and even offered to overnight me some testing materials so that I can check my blood sugars in the meantime. This interaction makes me hopeful that my previous experience with ADS was not representative of their customer service. I don't like leaving bad reviews on yelp, but I think that a company that deals with life-saving medical supplies should be held to a higher standard than say, a coffee shop. I will update this review hopefully just one more time after everything works out and I actually get my G6 system!

I've been trying to get on the Dexcom G6 and my experience with Advanced Diabetes Supply has extremely been frustrating. The process of getting the supplies I need has been delayed multiple times because different reps keep giving me the wrong information. They even sent a text message that an authorization had been submitted, but when I called to check in, it actually had not been submitted. To their credit, every rep I spoke to has been very friendly. My experience is detailed below:

ADS: "We spoke with your doctor's office yesterday, we have all the paperwork, and everything looks good. We'll give you a call when things are ready."

Me: *calls to check in two weeks later*

ADS: "Actually, we need your doctor's office to send us a form so we can send it to your insurance. After we get that, it'll take about a week for your insurance to approve it."

Me: ??? then why did you tell me everything was good and have me wait two weeks for nothing??? *Has doctor submit necessary paperwork in less than one day. calls ADS to check in a week later."

ADS: "Yes, we have all the paperwork and we just have to submit an authorization to your insurance. I'll submit it now, check back in a few days."

**They actually sent me a text message which states that the authorization was submitted as urgent and everything should be approved in about a week.

Me: *calls back a few days later to check AGAIN*

ADS: "Your authorization hasn't been submitted.... Yes, I see that someone sent you that text message, but they didn't actually submit the authorization. I'll submit it now and everything should be ready in about a week."

Me: ??????? Your company literally sent me a text message that my authorization had been submitted as "URGENT" and that I would only have to wait another week. Now my process of waiting a week is starting over??

Extremely frustrating... will be calling back tomorrow to see if they actually submitted the authorization.


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