Rhonda Meadows

5 years ago

I would give 0 stars if I possibly could! My first...

I would give 0 stars if I possibly could! My first horrible experience with this hospital was back in August when they made my poor uncle dying with cancer move to a nursing home. The setup was all complete according to the nurse but when we arrived at the nursing home my poor suffering uncle didn't even have the correct insurance. Why not let the man rest in his final days instead of moving him? He lived all of 3 more days. Pointless when the care he needed could have just as easily been provided there.

Next instance happened at the end of Feb. A hospital needs someone 24/7 for emergency patiets. Think ER and ambulance arrivals. My son and I followed the ambulance with my critical father in law inside. I waited in line until patients in front of me was checked in blah blah blah, you know the drill. Finally make it to the information window (chick with word information hanging above her head) and just because a lazy receptionist didn't want to do her job I sit and waited on a registering nurse who I feel had no idea I was waiting. 30 minutes plus before I lost my cool and checked with another very nice and caring lady who got me moving in the process to get the information I needed. Fast forward another 30 to 45 minutes before a doctor finally makes it to tell me sadly my father in law didn't make it. You imagine the way that feels. The pain, the shock, the pure agony. Then you throw in a very disrespectful authority waving sorry excuse for a nurse telling your sister in law some mess about protocols and clearance after already being told she would be allowed back and then the family could see my father in law and make necessary arrangements. Then imagine that same nurse yelling at you and sticking her name badge to almost your nose before getting in your face. What would you think about the hospital for allowing this type of treatment? Deena or whatever that name was I hope and pray everyday that you lose your job that you do not deserve. You NEVER treat a patient or their family with that kind of disrespect. We had enough on our plates without being treated this way. I would rather take my chances with the local vet as to go to this hospital. I would not trust you unworthy wannabes with a rabid raccoon much less another person I care about.

It's been weeks, no waiting on an administrator, to allow cool off time, before calling did not pay off. Both these rude and lazy people need to be fired. Instances like this don't go away they continue to happen. They are not an asset but liability for the whole hospital and they reflect very poorly on the care received. They earned a 1 star rating for your establishment only because a 0 rating wasn't an option. Why, because of the additional pain they inflicted on my emotional well being at a time when they should have been doing all in their power to help and comfort my family. A good nurse would have been understanding, kind and caring knowing that my family was hurting and suffering. A good hospital would insist on good care, well mannered nurses, and would handle the issue should something like this ever happen. I want to save the next person standing in my shoes from having to deal with this added emotional turmoil and nonsense. The hospital SHOULD SEE that these heathens no longer hold a job because you wouldn't treat your career with such disrespect.

My advice to all unless you want treated like an old stray dog by pass this hospital! Take yourself or your loved ones somewhere that cares about your well-being and not just a pay check.


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