Amy Underwood

4 years ago

I was in a car accident very early in the day was...

I was in a car accident very early in the day was brought in by ambulance. Was told nothing broken.. basically to walk it off... initially they gave me a muscle relaxer and some pain meds.. after tests and scans they MADE me attempt to walk, mind u I have had a herniated disc l3 and l4 for pushing 30 years.. and it's all out of alignment at this time... but the kicker is my right ankle
. It is soooooo bruised I couldn't put weight on it..
So their idea of walking is 1 step and one attempt fyi (screamed when weight placed on right foot...) anyhow I was released waiting for medical transport... after 2 hours waiting for a cab the pain and spasms got to be so intense I went back in the er... I have long had mental illness diagnosis, I went in for pain relief and they put me on suicide watch.. omaa so I sat for another 7 hours. Sans pain meds with rude nurses telling me I did 2 walk.. then they released me again... waited hour plus for another taxi..
I had to crawl on all fours to get in my house.
Total bs. I'll be contacting patient advocate soon. I was informed they no longer give big pain meds due to the drug problem in that area.. I'm nearly 50 years old. I've never touched those things which they knew from my bloodwork. And still no...NEVER EVER CHOOSE GUTHRIE CORTLAND EMERGENCY. TAKE YOUR CHANCES AND GO ITHACA OR AUBURN OR SYRACUSE.


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