Kathy Stanger

3 years ago

My review on Facebook:

My review on Facebook:

Something has been on my mind for a few days which is usually my early warning system pointing out that some action on my part is needed.
A week ago, after visiting the EIRMC Wound Care facility (my home away from home lately) I was referred to their Infusion Center to get some antibiotics to jump start my immune system. Before I was fully able to access their aid, I was whisked off to the ER for an evaluation, then speedily admitted to my own personal room on the 5th floor.
Mind you, being an unplanned visit meant that I didn t bring comb, brush, make-up or jammies. Some of you reading this may not recognize my dilemma, but the years have not been kind to my outer visage, and I need all the help I can get before I m ready to meet my public. Needless to say, health issues over-rode my immediate concerns. It wasn t until I checked out 2 days later that the mirror previously out of my line of sight -- now displayed itself.
I cannot believe that I and people I love allowed me to be seen by not just the medical personnel, not just neighbors, not just family, but EVERYONE.
Well, there s nothing to be done about it now, but there is one more troubling issue dealing with EIRMC. It is that I have not yet been able to find an appropriate method of thanking that fine hospital. From the first moment every nurse, technician, aide, cleaner, therapist, and doctor treated me like a visiting dignitary. I stretched their kindness (unhappily) and professional and job skills and could not get one frown nor even one shriek. Amazing indeed. The Doctors were warm, unhurried, informative and even witty. A delight. The nurses (when they weren t playing cards) were efficient, knowledgeable and smiled warmly. You d have thought I was their only patient.
Thank you, one and all, for an education about today s medical facilities. Idaho Falls has every right to be very proud. (And when you have a moment, let me tell you about the folks in Wound Care.)


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