Andi Lewis

4 years ago

Is this place an insurance scam?! I was transferre...

Is this place an insurance scam?! I was transferred to Cedar Hills Hospital after originally checking myself in to another facility for alcohol detox. On my first night at the first facility I was woken and told my insurance wouldn't cover where I was at. I was put in a medical transport car and sent to Cedar Hills. When I got there I realized Cedar Hills is mainly a mental health facility and I became uncomfortable with all the papers they wanted me to sign and the procedures that would be in place to CHECK MYSELF IN. I asked to call my fiance and my father before proceeding if I decided to proceed at all. They immediately declared that I was being "combative" and locked the doors, denied me any calls for the night, and placed me on a minimum 5 day hold! For VOLUNTARY alcohol detox! I've never heard of such a thing. Yet I met someone else there who was facing the same situation.

While I was there some of my personal belongings (clothes, overnight bag, etc) came up missing, both locked up with staff, and in my room, never to be recovered.

I got out, thoroughly traumatized from being locked in and everything else that happened while I so vulnerable. I was worse off and I drank again. I detoxed on my own when I was able and now I'm sober, no thanks to that place. If they are so desperate that they have to lock you in to get you to stay or to fill their beds - SCAM!


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