
trudey koster

4 years ago

Absolutely shocking service from Audi!

Absolutely shocking service from Audi!
Bought an Audi A1 TFSI 1.4 7 months ago with 56 600km ,now has 79 900km and gearbox malfunctioned. Audi has my car for 9 weeks now over which taken back 3 times after being told it is fixed. Paid R44k to fix apparent megatronics, problem not fixed, now got grinding metal noises in gearbox which was not there from the start. Told factory defect, Audi will cover cost, now told sorry not replacing by Audi - I am in for R100k to fix. I have no car and certainly not R100k. Audi are sticking their heads in the ground & hoping I go away!!!
I will NEVER by an Audi again or support this meant to be premium brand!
Disgusted by Audi to say the least!!!!!!!!!!


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