
kyle jones

3 years ago

I attended this program when I was a teen. It was ...

I attended this program when I was a teen. It was awesome! I still hold with me, dear, some things that our trail walkers taught us. One of those things was "Have a heart at peace, not a heart at war.." this was useful for not only internal issues but also nature! For example, wild animals or insects seemed to leave me be, as I let them be, with a heart at peace.

We hiked everyday, all day, 10 miles or more, through river bed, up slanted cliffs, even swam through bodies of water when the path we followed led us there. The hiking and moving was very intense but obviously very awesome. There was always a final destination in mind (just a longitude and latitide location) where all the small groups would meet up and camp together.

At the time, I was sent there for behavioral and addiction problems, honestly, I did not work through my issues as intended, but i had so many wonderful experiences during the 6 week trail walk. This kind of therapy affects me now, positively, as an adult, versus my teen self, who did not grasp the full impact of this program. To me, this was an everlasting experience. Nothing like it!

Our trained trail walkers leaders were so easy going, secure and confident in themselves, not over bearing! I think their aproach was the best- pure mentors!

Other things I will not forget from this program, how to start a fire from sticks, how to make a backpack out of anything, how to kill a rabbit, what it feels like to sleep in a monsoon in 2 inches of water, the sound of native flutes when waking up with the sun rise, the smell of powdered cheese, the taste of clorine stream water, and the amazing natural togetherness that this program makes possible.

Hopefully if i find myslef in AZ, I can be a trail leader.

With love, Christine B. =) now, christine J.


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