

4 years ago

How you can die on the orange water slide at Melia...

How you can die on the orange water slide at Melia Grand Hermitage and how the director of the hotel, Mrs. Ivelina Atanasova says she has no responsibility about it

There is a big orange slide at Melia Grand Hermitage where theoretically an employee should guard the slide and let people in one by one; this is just in theory, because in practice not always there is someone there guarding or they have very young staff at about 20 years old who have better things to do such as staying on the phone instead of guarding the orange slide; Therefore one week ago, while my husband went on the slide together with our child, one other tourist bumped into them on the slide frontally causing my husband a very bad hit at the ribs; we were not expecting this to happen, of course, therefore we asked for the manager to come; nobody was available, after jumping from one employee to the other, we phone the police to come and check how this is possible to be happening and what kind of security and protection rules this hotel has.
Police came and said these are the internal rules of the hotel so nothing to do with them. Meaning you can die on the orange slide at Melia Grand Hotel that bulgarian police has nothing to do with it;
Today while doing the checkout I asked the hotel manager to come and told her we are going to go for a doctor scan in Romania to see if all fine because my husband moves with difficulty and that I am going to ask the hotel to pay the bill for the scan because all happened because of their lack of responsibility on the security of the orange slide; and she asked me if I had an insurance and to ask the insurance to pay it. Why insurance should pay the irresponsibility of Melia Hermitage Hotel Staff?
Who caused it should be responsible and pay it.
How Mrs. Manager Ivelina Atanasova sees it: they taken no measures after this accident had happened. Only measure they tried taken in the balcanic way was that the chief of security proposed my husband an upgrade to Level package which we refused, we said they should guard their slides better and the security of the tourists;
After they took absolutely no measures on better guarding the slides Mrs. Atanasova said my insurance should pay it. Congratulations, Mrs. Atanasova for how you manage the hotel s team and security of the tourists!
I wonder, my insurance should pay also the irresponsibility of Melia Grand Hermitage Hotel security staff, and also Mrs. Atanasova irresponsibility towards the tourists who are visiting the hotel and trustfully using the water slides of the hotel?
To whom it may concern: this discussion was held in front of the reception around 12 o clock Bulgaria time; the 3 receptionists there today heard it; better you check your rules and your staff and keep people safe rather than cover up the garbage under the carpet and take no security measures at all.
Mrs. Atanasova, try yourself the orange water slide while one of your staff is letting in the chief of the security on the water slide in the same time to frontally hit as it happened to my husband, maybe after you are yourself hit (if you are still alive) you will take some security measures .

Kind Regards


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