Jonathan Cottle

3 years ago

"Money isn't everything, it's the only thing."

"Money isn't everything, it's the only thing."

Replacement Heart Valve put in 10 years ago, was told at the time I would need another in 8-10 years. In New England I saw a cardiologist every two years to review an echocardiogram to monitor valve health.

Then I move to Austin, last autumn I had a $55 copay appt with a MD at this center, he sent me for an echo (right next door) and set up a follow up, great so far.

When I got to the echo I was told the minmum out of pocket they would accept from me was $300 on a $600 bill (I figured pay to get the test now and figure this out later)

At the follow up I saw a nurse, not an MD, and she admitted SHE HADN'T EVEN SEEN MY TEST! She said she was told the results were "inconclusive" and I needed to go for an different type of echo where they put you under and go down your throat (once again, right next door). Why can't I talk to the cardiologist? He's busy but I should make an appt with a surgeon to talk about my options.

Before I left I talked to the billing specialist about the absurd charge for the first test and asked what the second might cost. Historically this is something doctor's offices have done proactively.

THIS IS BAIT AND SWITCH. I have paid over $400 ($300 for a test plus 2 $55 copays) to get NO INFORMATION about my test, even though that was the ENTIRE POINT. I have already been transferred to collections for the remaining $300. And my wife just got a letter too!

Hey Cedar Park Regional, how about caring a little bit about my health, as well as the all important dollar? If the test was done poorly, what am I being charged for? Don't I deserve the cardiologist follow up that was promised in any case?

The profit driven model of yours: aggressively billing procedures while completely ignoring patient health outcomes and concerns exposes you as a heartless organization.

You think you have a grievance because on paper I owe you $300? I PAID $400 ALREADY AND I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF I'M GOING TO DIE SOON!

Advice to anyone reading this: If you want to be treated like a patient and not like an oil well, look elsewhere!


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