Willie Fufu

3 years ago

My Brother was accidentally brought to this Hospit...

My Brother was accidentally brought to this Hospital, that was a huge mistake. My Sister lives less than 1/4 mile inside of Mesquite, my Brother was visiting her when he got a lot sicker, EMS took him to DRMC.. The Doctors keep trying to steer OUR decisions to make our Brothers Status to be DNR., it s not their decision it s ours. In the ICU 5/9/19 9 pm we were run out of my Brothers Bedside by Nurse, Mary who claims to have been a Nurse for 38 years, after I discovered that there was a pool of blood from blood flowing out of my Brothers Right arm, it took a while before Nurse Mary bothered to bring Gauze that I had requested so that I could apply pressure to the site finally Nurse Mary comes into the room and tried to hold pressure then asked if I could hold pressure. Then Nurse Mary announces to me and my Sister that we needed to leave It was 9:30 pm visiting hours were over, a so we told our Brother good night I thanked Mary for taking care of him fearing that Nurse Mary would kill my brother if we were rude. The Sign on the Door clearly states that we would be able to stay from 8pm to 6:30am, but Nurse Mary was clearly not establishing eye contact or considering the visitors as Human beings. The next morning 5/10/2019 6am I was in the room with my Brother, I asked Nurse Mary what her understanding about the visiting hours, Nurse Mary was ready to throw me out of the Room again, she told me that I could go and talk with her Charge Nurse I told her that I was there to spend time with my Brother, Nurse Mary repeated for me to talk with her Charge Nurse about the visiting hours, then two women from the Lab showed up, rise Mary got the. Involved in the conversation, I was only interested in standing there and talking with my Brother who is very sick, I really didn t see how that was a problem, but. Rise Mary had one of the Lab Women, the Fat one to get the visiting policy even after I told Year Mary that I didn t want it, Nurse Mary three the. Suiting Paper that the Fat Lab Woman had brought to her, but Nurse Mary told me to read it. I asked Nurse Mary if she had called my Sister, my Sister is my Brothers Power of Attorney,, Mary asked why? I m I supposed to call her Nurse MaryThe reason that I asked Nurse Mary is because there had been a change in my Brothers breathing status and was being ventilated with a Bipap Machine I considered that significant enough to notify a Family member about, but this ICU Nurse Mary didn t seen this change in Breathing Status a significant event that would warrant a simple call to a Family Member. What is going on in this Hospital? Why are people trying to tell us to make my Brother a Do not Resuscitate repeatedly? Released questions are after so many times is harassment. Nurse Mary told me about the Resuscitation process, about the broken ribs, the pain and at his age....
Nurse Mary Is older a lot older than my Brother is, apparently Nurse Mary doesn t know her Patients very well or the visiting hours. When a Family has a Brother that s in Critical Condition they should be able to spend whatever time there is with their Brother. The Lab Women wore smiles on their Ugly, smug faces as I walked out of the ICU. People I can t recommend this Hospital to anyone, my Brother is here by a mistake and it s scary. I spoke with the night shift Charge Nurse, I think that her name is Catherine, she stood there and listened to me talk, my throat was dry, but I talk and she listened she almost gave me hope, not enough hope because my Brother is in this Hospital it feels like he is a Hostage a Captive a Prisoner I really want him out of this place.

I drove into Mesquite after I learned about my Brother being in this Hospital, 5/6/19 at 2a.m. and was told by an old Woman in the ER Registration that I couldn t visit my Brother, I told her that I just wanted to peep in the room to look at him, she told me that that was visiting, , even after I explained that I had just got in from San Antonio where I live, so I slept in my truck until visiting hours.

The ICU is the ugliest


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