Kate Lloyd

4 years ago

Sarah Orchard

Sarah Orchard
Sarah gave me marketing advice on the introduction of a new line of photography under the growth Vouchers scheme.
It is safe to say that I have rarely been more motivated or excited in my whole life than I was at the end of our discussion, and again when reading the marketing strategy document she prepared for me.
I had given a considerable period of thought to the idea of introducing equine photography to my existing professional photography portfolio, and had some ideas about the first steps I should take.
I had been a horse mad youngster but had little connection with the horse world in my adult life except through occasional riding lessons to re-engage the interest I had always had from my earliest days.
Sarah agreed with the preliminary ideas, as far as they went, and then shaped them and expanded hugely on the plan I had in mind, offering to make contacts for me to follow through and explaining in detail how the horse world is structured and how it functions.
Even having started to see the scale of the challenge ahead of me I am still fizzing with excitement at what could be done, and so eager to get going that small interludes for holidays and pre-booked weekends away almost seem like a nuisance to be hurried away so I can get on with what is stirring in my thoughts and dreams.
Probably the most telling moment in our whole discussion was when she asked me to say why I wanted to do this type of photography and emotion completely overwhelmed me - so much that I could hardly speak. That was enough of an explanation for Sarah who understands horses well and knows the passionate devotion they can engender within people.
Sarah s clarity and the guidance of her marketing strategy document has focussed my attention in the right places and promises to make my activities more targeted and effective than I could ever have hoped without her advice.
On a more mundane level Sarah was the first person I approached through the Growth voucher site who responded to my approach, and was incredibly helpful and flexible about meeting, as well as being prompt in delivery of the report she had promised. She is a true professional, but for me it is important that she also shares my passionate interest in horses.


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