
noelle drew
Review of Lacc

4 years ago

Ive found that the best thing to do, is always,che...

Ive found that the best thing to do, is always,check your answered questions, and get second opinions, talk to a student already there, if your waiting in a line for 6 hours, you could exchange phone numbers, or conversations, with others, to see how things are going and get feedback..the night before, write down,all questions, and then ask the person, who is answering your question, pertinent after questions, like is there a possible problem with this, "Am I asking the question I need to ask...etc etc...hey, thats the way the world, works,and as for the gentelman, who said, student and faculty were sick, blowing their noses, etc..really? okay, here goes, maybe wear a mask like they do in the asian countries, so you dont catch or pass germs (see pandemic,comming down the pike,Hey it could happen, ,its called thinning the herd..LOL) wash your hands!! institutions, are filthy...everything you touch, has had hands, that have not washed, then you bring that,hand and pinky to your face and nose...voila..now your sick, I like soap and water..better than the bacterial gels, but its more convienent..carry it, also note, bacterial gels, dont work over the long haul..(look it up) it doesnt kill germs after a while (soap and H2 0) is the best...ps. those antibacterial soaps, also affect the thyroids, (look it up) yea, washing your hands, with that, stuff...affects the function of your thyroids..saw it in a magazine, and heard it once on the telly..so people...you have to take "RESPONSILBILTY" for your own "SELF" your out in the world now...you think,la city college is bad, try taking your pal, to the verterans hospital...talk about shifless, and just dont give a rats petutti...so I wonder why doesnt someone, get a website and charge monies, to assist the kids, down in the line, to make it easier,for them to get their answers and the like?? that would be a job? right? you could pass out flyers to the people waiting in the line...hey look,you made a new job, or something....oh and lastly..perhaps people waiting on you at the school, would be a little bit nicer, if people would say things, like..Good Morning, how are you...and then, please...and then,. Thankyou...at the end. I use to wait on the public..waitressed. sometimes, I wanted to ask...but thought it in my head..."was the ground cold, when you got up this morning" so now! go out there and be kind to your fellow humans, politness,goes a long way.


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