Richard B

3 years ago

I wanted to warn any new employees that are lookin...

I wanted to warn any new employees that are looking to work at Dean Transportation for the IT department.
Please read all the info below before considering a position with Dean Transportation.

The Good:
- Newer equipment
- The users are very nice and pleasant to work with.
- Building in Lansing is not bad. Could use more windows.

The Bad:
The IT Department consists of 3 individuals. An IT analyst, a PC Technician and an IT director. Small IT Team.

- IT Director: Works remotely and is in the process of retirement. The director worked for BWL for 30+ years and brought his poison from BWL to dean. The director is very poisonous and short tempered. It s his way or the high way even though his way could be wrong. He watches the emails to the IT department and chimes in and makes small things more difficult than they have to be.
- IT Analyst: This is the IT Director's minion. The IT analyst will act normal then shut down when he has to deal with the director. Very rude to users and has a "Closed Door" policy after 2 weeks. Gets annoyed if he has to do any work. Bad attitude and poisonous like the director. Would rather sit in his dark little office all day with the radio on with no interruptions.

These 2 clowns (If your Hired) will sabotage things and test and micro-manage you to see if you can fix issues. Some issues won t be fixable as they will give you limited to no access to servers so you are setup for failure.
Then you have the PC Technician.. The current PC technician is new to IT and I took this guy in on the first day to help and mentor him. Little did I know, the PC Technician is notating everything you do and say to run with any info to the IT analyst and\or Director. It was my mistake to voice my opinion to the PC technician of the micro-management which was twisted and lead to one of the reasons of my contract cancellation. So you cannot trust anyone here at Dean. This is what you get for doing a good job, working through unpaid lunch, getting to work on time and being a professional engineer.
As far as the micromanagement, you will have a DAILY REPORT and will have your time micro managed every day. They will question why it took so long on things that THEY made impossible to complete in a timely manner. You will need to CC everything to the director and analyst so that they can chime in to feel more powerful and controlling.

I worked here for a short time and had my contract canceled because the IT analyst felt his job was threatened by me. They will let you go for no reason and "Ghost" you after. Very unprofessional. You have been warned!
Good luck and thank you for reading.


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