
sukhmeet singh

3 years ago

Honourable Lordships,

Honourable Lordships,

As an ordinary Hindu, I am overwhelmed by the love and affection shown by you to us lowly Hindu mortals.

I fully understand that banning sale of crackers is the only way to tackle the horrendous air pollution levels in Delhi. So what if all reports point at causes like stubble burning in nearby Haryana and UP, industry emissions, emissions from coal-fired power plants, construction dust and vehicular emissions as the chief causes of air pollution?

The ONLY true way to control air pollution in Delhi is to stop 8 year old kids celebrating Diwali with sparklers. You are absolutely right.We stand to learn a lesson for not contributing our bit to society.

I am writing to you, because I realise that as a Hindu, my whole existence is causing pollution. I request you to please regulate other aspects of Diwali and other Hindu festivals as well, so we can all live in a happy, secular, pollution free India.

How about telling us *how many diyas* can we light at Diwali? Also, please do specify the *length of the wick* and the precise *amount of oil* that we are allowed to use. Also, *which oil* should we use? Coconut or groundnut?

Also, I humbly request you to *regulate the timings* Hindus are allowed to light Diyas. I think five minutes at sunset is more than enough, after all, *Diya smoke* is also polluting, no?

Also, please let me know how many clothes I can buy and regulate the diameter of my mothers Bindi.

India has seen a huge increase in Type 2 Diabetes, so why are Mithai shops allowed to contribute to this by selling Mithai?

I as an dividual think further the same should be done with what you did with the crackers. Impose a blanket ban of fifteen days during Diwali on Mithai shops, so *your lordships can test if the incidence of type 2 Diabetes in India goes down or not.* as i am a diabetic myself I will be the most beneficial.

I totally appreciate campaigns like Smokeless Diwali, WaterlessHoli, Rakhiless Rakshabandhan. It is all for the good of the nation.

I suggest two further campaigns for you to deliberate upon.

*Cremationless Hinduism,* and finally, the greatest anti-pollution campaign of them all.

*Hinduless India*. If there are no Hindus, there will be no pollution.
Thank You,

This is a forward message on what's app from a Hindu friend who's religious sentiments are being hurt.... Please understand and do the needful as we don't hear such bans during moharram or about azzaan or even during Sikh processions or about traffic hassle and pollution being caused by expensive luxury vehicles.... we did witness a eye wash on the ban on luxury cars more than 2000 cc engines in delhi cause now they all are being registered outside Delhi but are run and owned by RICH / MANIPULATORS class of people in delhi... Ok


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