John Estrella Jr.

3 years ago

Haven't been there but just received a cold call f...

Haven't been there but just received a cold call from their telemarketing department because of a Sweepstakes card i filled out at a Golf show. Their course and facilities might be excellent but this review is solely in regards to their telemarketing staff. The first gentleman was nice and made it the 4 day trip package like a good deal, in actuality it was a good deal. He put the "manager" on the phone for an "added bonus" that i qualified for being over a certain age. The manager began by telling me this deal is only good for the next two minutes because he's not calling me back. Already starting to show his attitude, I told him that i don't just buy a deal from a cold call without doing research and he says, "well Google us right now because you only have 2 minutes to take it", then he proceeds with "you had all this time after filling out the card, why didn't you research us then. I filled the card out a year go by the way.

Keep in mind this card that i filled out was for a sweepstakes drawing, not for calling me about promotions. If i didn't win the sweepstakes then they shouldn't be calling me in the first place but that's what they always do so i understand they're trying to get business. Well the manager kept on about how i had so much time to research them and i told him that i filled out a lot of cards that day and what does he expect me to do, research every golf course that i filled out a card for?.. So he told me "well don't fill out cards anymore", and then hung up..

The first part of the call sounded great and I would have definitely considered the package had they given me time to research them but the "manager" was not so rude. If they read this, hopefully they understand that they called me for business, therefore, they need to learn to show respect to potential business contacts instead of downplaying us like we need their service. Their loss as I travel often for golf (Florida this weekend and either MD or Va in mid/late March).


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