William McCarrell
Review of Tranquil Shores

3 years ago

I came in a nobody,

I came in a nobody,
but I was able to leave as a somebody.
Somebody with a purpose and a new found love for themselves. Tranquil shores gave me the tools to dig deep inside of myself and pull out everything within, in order to build a new house that I loved and was comfortable in. They gave me blocks of wisdom that I used as the foundation of my new temple and it has truly saved and changed my life. I cant imagine, and frankly would rather not think about where I would be, had I not chosen to come and renew my life. I've been blessed with a second chance and I am forever grateful. Thankyou to everyone who makes this place possible. You are all HEROES to me! I chose to stay 90 days even when I came in thinking I was only going to do 30. I completed the program and even chose to go to transitional living after. The reason I did this was because I realized my whole life I always did what I wanted to do, which always led me down a path of misery and regret, but I finally realized the path of progress lies down the road of uncomfortableness and that it's a challenging course but those obstacles and fears on that road are the very things I must push through to become the man I've always wanted to be. All progress takes place outside of the comfort zone. Now I see so much more on my horizon and I accept the challenges that await me with courage and valiance. I pray that whoever reads this chooses the same path and finds themselves along with their purpose on this heroic journey we call life!!


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