4 years ago

This school is a nightmare, a very cruel joke. The...

This school is a nightmare, a very cruel joke. They don t care about students, all they care about is money. Some of the teachers working there are mentally unstable, plain crazy, many teachers are openly laughing at your mistakes or accent, and I mean you go there to learn and improve your English, don t you? Most of the Employers are disrespectful and rude. Sometimes when one teachers doesn t show up they will combine you with another class and there are so many students that you can barely breathe or move. In many classes levels are very mixed, students who can barely speak are in the same room with students way more advanced. It s uncomfortable for both. As I mentioned they don t care about students. Couple weeks ago they kept us out of school in the morning in the freezing temperature (25F). Nobody knew what was going on and nobody told us. I stood there for 45 minutes, some of us even longer. After that time they told us to go warm up somewhere and come back in 15 minutes. When we came back we had to stand there for another 40 minutes. Eventually they told us to go somewhere (remember it s the middle of the winter) and come back in 2 hours. That was ridiculous and inhumane. They treat students like trash and piggy bank. I went home, because I was cold
af and took me 3,5 hours to warm up after that. I got absent and messed my attendance and the school doesn t want to do anything about it. I can t afford to go to a restaurant for two hours and order food just to be able to stay there. I don t live in NYC to go home and come back and it was way too cold to wandering around the city to kill that time. I am thinking about reporting them to the state, because what they are doing and how they re running that school is ridiculous. Don t go there, save yourself from constant headache. it s not worth the money.


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