Ajay Sharma

3 years ago

i wanna give this company -1000th rating

i wanna give this company -1000th rating

i spend my horrible time in this company. all seniors have over attitude. i been working there as frontend developer. and i wanna share my personal experience.
my TL was in over attitude he think he is only man who run company and give me his own example to be. and head and manager was also same attitude.
all think that they are god who paying you and you must follow there instruction not only official even in your personal life then your performance are good or if you have bundles of knowledge then its worthless if you not obey them.

if you want to join this company you must fawning.

and they give high work load so they can count your fault on increment.

there system work on Hourly biases so you need to give estimate of every second to your TL even you have to go washroom you have to tell your TL that.

if some task assign to me and they ask hour consumption if for example i estimate them 15 hours then the reaction was "Oh are you sure it will take 15 hour? that employee can do it in 4 hour so you must do it in 4 hour" and they tell me that i'm slow performer so when you actually working task then i skip lunch break and even not completed it in 12 hour. even they blame that you take whole day of 4 hour task and over all performance is slow.
and it was not only one time the story happen every day. and they count your performance 4 hours of your 12 hours and shift time is 9 hours and 1 hour break.
and actually client paying for the same task 30 hours so remaining 18 hours will be taken by TL and Manager so they can show that how much they are doing for company and how awesome management they are doing.

when you have no task which is very rare thing even if you got any free time then you can't enjoy it or even you cant learn new technology in that time because if you got knowledge higher than your TL his job will be in danger.

they count every second.
when i enter in office then i need to punch my thumb which tell that how many hours over all you spend in office.
and when i enter my work place then i need to punch my id card so that will tell how many hour you spend in work place.
if you have less hours then salary detection will be apply
if you give extra hours to office then forgot (yes they told me if TL approve then will be added in your salary but you know by TL that you are slow you complete 4 hour task in 12 hours why should i give you overtime :D ).

if i need to stay more than shift hours then they will not provide you food and all so you need to arrange all your self.
let me tell you one thing that over all straighten are more than 700 employee.
but if company spend for employees on this type of facilities then how boss will have big cars?

every high level of politics is there even if you talk to other team member then your TL will ask why you are talking to them and what you are talking with them

also About HR :)
HR will be your best friend only till you don't put resignation.
as i tell my experience - before resignation he was so polite humble and respectful whenever meet him and his words was "Ha dost bolo" and i was thinking that this is the real man such polite person.
and when i put resignation and i surprised that suddenly his speaking tone changes and he explain me all rules and policies very rudely even not offer me chair to sit. and his junior HR have also so much attitude.

when you join this company they will sign bond because true employee will not survive in this type of environment. otherwise i'm sure about many people will left that company in 6 month.

when i joined this company then HR head was told that company can give salary to there employees till next 3 years only for sitting if we stop working on projects from today in induction program.
but i don't know why they are firing there valuable employees without any reason.

I don't know that the boss know this all things or not.
and i hope that they will make some changes to make this things sort out.

my advice to review reader is that never join this company even you are helpless.


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