Pat Glaze

4 years ago

My mother is 80 years old, and has a plethora of s...

My mother is 80 years old, and has a plethora of serious medical issues, mostly resulting (in my humble opinion) from the literally DOZENS of prescription medications she s been given for 6 years, following a single lung transplant performed at Tampa General Hospital. She moved to St. Augustine 3.5 years ago and her medical care was transferred to Mayo. They have been pumping her full of pills ever since. Of course, I m aware that there are certain meds that she NEEDS. I.E., her anti-rejection drugs, among others. That being said, they are now changing her meds and dosages so fast that even they can t get it straight. But at this point, the most infuriating issue we as a family have, is this. She is now admitted to the ICU, again. (she s been admitted to this hospital no fewer than 6 times in the last 8 weeks, FOR THE SAME ISSUES) Fast forward to today, I once again took off work to drive my father up here (1.5 hours each way) , after calling to confirm that we could both visit her, only to be told that I cannot go up and see her, and that only the same person can visit for the length of her admission, and ONLY that person. This now makes 6 trips I ve made up with my father, to visit my mother, only to be flippantly told nope, only one of you can go up . Apparently it s more of a prison than a hospital. Furthermore, 2 of my sisters have now traveled thousands of miles from their homes, more than once now, to see their mother, only to be told nope, sorry
What a joke (just not a funny one)


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