Erwin Dawson

3 years ago

Fell in love with this company since day 1 I met t...

Fell in love with this company since day 1 I met them.
I witness first hand, several times people breaking into tears knowing they have a way out.
People in debts are normally private about their situation and they bottle up everything.
Its nice to know we can be a listening ear to their problems.

To address the various 1star reviews above. here are some of my honest thoughts.

1- it has been confirmed by my lawyer that this is not an illegal work.
Edudebt has been in an out of supreme court assisting our clients since 2016.
People working there even start to recognise Edudebt and build a rapport with Edudebt .

2- if this is illegal, the Official Assignee by the Insolvency Public Trustee Organisation (IPTO) would not keep it quiet as they are under Ministry of Law. They recognise Edudebt as being their clients agents

3- I notice no names were given on who was it that was pushy towards the client above.
2 possibilities, either Edudebt has a bad egg in the industry that we do not know off, or this is a way to defame Edudebt's reputation. Possibly a smear campaign. If a feedback with an name is given, then it will be deemed as trustworthy.
And if it is a bad egg, it is something that every company would probably have.
Even the Happy Jovial McDonald's have had bad reviews before. Hence it would be good if a name is mentioned to help Edudebt identify who it is to improve their service.

4- it is not secret that clients that apply DRS on their own. Edudebt never hides that fact.
Think of property agent or buying of cars from overseas. You can do it yourself too, but you engage a 3rd party agent to help do the necessary paperworks such as Affidavits preparation. Not many even knows what an affidavit is.
Someone mentioned Edudebt charge $4K for their services and that is simply untrue.

5- Edudebt has been around since 2016.
Credentials wise, they have appeared in Mediacorp channels. Suria, Yes 93.3fm, Ria 89.7fm and even took part in "Let's fight scam" campaigns organised by external party.
Not to forget Edudebt has been market leaders since they entered as a Debt Solution Company.

My conclusion is
- this is a good company that does a service that is good for the public who are deep in debts.
Edudebt would rather clients find ways to settle their debts through them instead of having to sell their assets & stressing out monthly being chased by creditors.
Coming from one who was in debt before, it is no way a good feeling to have being pay money that you barely can mee

-they are trustworthy.
At least 10 of Edudebt's agents were clients.
They are a living testimony as to how helpful Edudebt can be.

-Edudebt is still a growing company.
Possibly still have flaws to work on within.
But perfection isn't an overnight work.
To be a Giant established company like AIA or DBS, one would have to go through mistakes to learn from.
As the saying goes, Diamonds were once dirty coals that had to go through intense pressure to be the diamond it is today.

This is coming from myself, Erwin Dawson.
I am an Artiste and I endorse Edudebt to be a friend, not a foe.

Any questions on how Edudebt works, you can approach me via my IG : Erwin_Dawson.
Thank you and have a wonderful day


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