Sherry Bender

4 years ago

Great ER Dr. Isaccson - however, that was the only...

Great ER Dr. Isaccson - however, that was the only good thing at this Hospital. There is virtually no communication between the team of doctors once the patient is admitted. I've found their is 'so much expertise and egos ~ that there is NO room for any common sense. They appear to be extremely understaffed, especially with direct care of the Patient Care Techs (CNAs), almost all whom are cold, and nasty. There is little if any help from anyone when you need it. The food is extremely unhealthy and mostly fried (and expensive for the family). They make many, many mistakes throughout ~ from the Doctors through the kitchen. This hospital doesn't even use moist toilets for patients, so that the CNAs must use wash cloths to clean the patient's bowel movements, even when patient is considered ICU, (as my father was, after their poor care), although not 'on' the unit. Even if you get to the Medical Director of the Hospital-- you are 'poo-poo'd'. The lead Dr. overseeing the case does not visit, leaving a family practitioner to handle the case, who leaves everything to all the other doctors. More than anything else, the attending Dr. Mendez repeated "We can't keep him here forever", than the amount of time he spoke about my father's pertinent medical issues. He was Discharged while his chest x-ray noted "increasing pulmonary vascular congestion" without it being addressed at all for 4 days. I had to make a Kepro appeal to save his life. On the 4th day after the chest ex-ray evidencing pulmonary vascular congestion, the Pulmonologist Kumar put him on lasix. When I asked why the wait since the x-ray, he said "the cardiologist should have done it", however the cardiologist was already off the case, and not called back for consult (as he should have been). It was an extremely bad experience and harmful for my father, and the Discharge was horrendous and incomplete, and erroneous, listing many incorrect medications... Essentially, it's a nightmare, and unfortunately for my father -- he was just sent back there :'( In fact, if the hospital had followed reasonable medical protocols, my father would not have to return to the hospital within one week.***** I am now making an edit to this entry 2 days later - - This hospital could not be more despicable, and they've went way over the pale!!! I am my father's health surrogate, and had been asking about his medications, lab results and x-rays since Sunday night. I was promised call-backs from nurses that never arrived. Then, today I learned that this hospital discharged my father, without giving me or his wife any information about his status, labs & test results, or medications, AND PHYSICALLY FORCED MY FATHER ONTO A STRETCHER, WITHOUT HIS BELONGINGS OR HIS WIFE. My father was crying for his wife, and my step mother was crying because they physically forced her husband away from her, and onto a stretcher, taking him away before she even had an opportunity to collect my father's personal wheelchair and belongings. They left her there! both crying... and with no information about his status, x-rays, labs, or medications... AND, this is despite that I made a Kepro appeal the moment I heard that FMC was physically forcing my father onto a stretcher.. This is most heinous, CRIMINAL action a hospital could have taken. RUN from this hospital, never allow yourself or a loved one to go near this horrid, criminal hell-hole.


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