Michael Mcallister

4 years ago

Well this is long over due from our project in 201...

Well this is long over due from our project in 2018 but it needs to be said to hopefully save another homeowner!!

Well where can I start, they did not protect the gutters causing damage to numerous of my new gutters, while replacing a skylight the new skylight was a smaller Size, therefor the nailing flange not only missed any rafters, but also missed the roof sheathing to the point that you could see daylight through the flange nail holes, they removed an old attic fan and left the bare wires touching each other against a truss, if the thermostat would had called for power there would had been a fire possibly destroying my home and killing my family, they destroyed our gazebo while moving it, never reinstalled our fence which my dog was able to escape from (luckily my dog is a good dog and didn't go far) and I am still finding roofing nails throughout my yard. They removed our satellite and threw it out. They then tried telling me that the bare electric was not there responsibility they were only responsible to remove the fan. I asked them if it is common practice to leave their work with live electric unprotected and against NEC code and NFPA 70? Once I showed that I have a background in construction and code they quickly backtracked their statements I also had to personally visit their office and ask for the owner before any repairs were made.


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