Matt Selkirk
Review of Hotel Oasis Inn

3 years ago



I came to SB for a job interview and since the area is so nice, hotels/motels are quite expensive. I chose Oasis because the reviews were decent and the price was OK.
I arrived and the lady that was working behind the counter was very nice. I got my room key and unloaded all my stuff into my room. Right after that, I realized how filthy my room was.
The first thing that I noticed was gum that was stuck to my blanket. There was makeup and snot stains on all my pillows. There was long brown hair in between the bed cover and the sheets. There was also gunk on the floor. In between the fridge and the shelf it sat on, there was heavy dust and spider webs.
I went to the front desk and told them that I was going to need a new room. Immediately, that lady that was so nice at the beginning, became very rude. She asked me what was wrong and I told her that my room was filthy and I even brought the worst pillow in to show her so she knew I wasn't just complaining over nothing. She told me that they couldn't really do anything because I checked in an hour ago. REALLY?!? You think in 1 hour, I decided to grow long brown hair, play around with makeup, and rub snot all over the room?! First of all, I'm a man that's by himself so obviously the long brown hair and makeup wasn't me. And WHAT BENEFIT would it serve me to make my room dirty!?! Yeah I totally want to pick up all my stuff that I just unloaded, pack it up, and move to another room! YOU GOT ME!
So the lady behind the counter comes to my room because she wants me to show her everything going on in my room. She pretty much tried to dismiss all my complaints.
I told her that since they wouldn't give me a different room, I wanted them to void the charges on the credit card and that I was going to stay somewhere else. She said that I could do that. She goes outside to call her manager to let her know what was going on, then barges right back in the room (still technically mine at the moment so a knock would have been nice) and says, "So.... how fast do you think you can be out of here?" EXCUSE ME?! I'M SORRY, AM I INCONVENIENCING YOU BY NOT WANTING A FILTHY ROOM?! She basically told me that she needed me to leave within the next couple minutes because their maid was about to go home for the day and since my room was filthy, I was requiring her to stay later than she needed to in order to clean the room. MAYBE if she cleaned it properly the FIRST TIME, we wouldn't have this problem??!
About 2 minutes later, the maid knocks on the door and I open it up. She barges right in (while my hands are full of all my stuff because I'm trying to get out of there). She grabs the chair in the room and places it RIGHT IN THE DOORWAY to keep the door open and apparently doesn't care that it COMPLETELY impeded me from leaving the building.

TERRIBLE customer service
TERRIBLE maid service
TERRIBLE place to stay


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