
sunil waikar

3 years ago

I was the unfortunate to come across the Internati...

I was the unfortunate to come across the International SIM providers like Matrix Cellular International Private Limited. I was travelling to Dubai on a pleasure trip only for a short duration of five days. I foolishly approached the stall of Matrix Cellular International Private Limited on Shivaji Chjatrapati International Airport Mumbai and asked him for a PRE-PAID SIM for the use in my journey period. But the fellow , one Mr. Vivek Prajapati was smart enough to hand me over POST-PAID SIM. after taking the advantage of the hurry I was in, he took signatures on his application forms and while I asked him about the price, he simply (?) told me that it will be taken care by your credit card. He also took all the details of my credit card alongwith CVV. He bluntly informed me that you have been given a free talk time worth Rs. five Hundred with that SIM as a token. He also told me that I would receive the bill of those charges on my e mail and need not pay anything now.
I was satisfied as anybody could have been.
Just to utilize the free talk time I made two three calls.
After returning to India, I was called by Matrix Cellular International Private Limited and was asked to return the SIM to their nearest Mumbai office. This was a new experience for me because, till date none of the mobile service providers had asked to return SIM.
As I was not in Mumbai, I had to courier them the SIM and meanwhile I requested Matrix Cellular International Private Limited to discontinue my account with them so as to avoid further billing. I was NOT RESPONDED at all.
After eight days, I received a hell like shock when I received their bill for Rs. 5600/- for four calls I made. I again persuaded with them to acknowledge the receipt of the SIM and discontinuation of the account but instead of any response, One fine morning I received a SMS fro my CC provider that the amount of Rs. 5600 has been debited .It was hell of a shock.
So I conclude to say that it is the worst cellular service providers who promise you some thing and fetches money from your pocket deceitfully.


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