Tineke Van Tilborg

4 years ago

Very bad experience with the director E. Klein, hi...

Very bad experience with the director E. Klein, hired by the municipality as a mediator in connection with neighborhood conflict. He is not a mediator, so we were deceived by Mr Klein and the municipality that hired him. He is nowhere registered as a mediator. So no possibility to file a complaint. Method not according to the rules,
never responded to questions, never kept us informed of anything.
Woolly, very weighty use of language, does not shy away from falsehoods, took a very biased attitude.
Made us leave our home through a report full of lies and demeaning statements.
He has circulated that report to our immediate environment.
We have filed a complaint with the NOBCO, complaints have largely been upheld, resulting in a "Serious reprimand" which may result in measures. He is an arrogant man to whom, according to his own words, no one has ever said "no" to. We did and we knew it.
He seriously harmed us by spreading a final report full of assumptions and untruths without our permission.
Revenge for our complaint filed!
Without ever saying anything between the parties.

Mr. Klein refuses to apologize, does not respond to anything, but has made a lot of money from our misery.
We must now thanks to this liar and defamator
We are forced to move to the North of the country, where it may be affordable for us to find accommodation with many financial consequences, coming from a house that was completely renovated 3 and a half years ago. He has lied many times that he is a mediator, he is not, we now know that for sure of a journalist, so he is also a liar.
Unworthy of a Christian.
House has been sold, now we are forced to look for accommodation in the north of the country, we can just afford that.
The piggy bank is then empty, our lives have been ruined by this man.

Part 2.
The response was clearly written by Mr Klein himself, given his use of language. It is special that he never told us what caused the conflict, so he knows more than we do.
He was therefore partial, while the parties never jointly said everything. Mr. Klein knew !!!! Is he clairvoyant.
We never received answers to allegations or any explanation.
Regarding the desired result: was that fucked up of us?
I was the one who always cleaned up the neighbors mess, neighbor made many false reports to the police. About neighbor quarrels that never happened. Stalking, threat, etc.
Even a report before we lived there, very special.
Summary: Thanks to this relocation, the peace in the street and the immediate living environment has been restored with a pleasant neighborhood experience and safety for all residents.
When Mr. Klein checked that, he heard that he also played the media drum.
This is a bit of a kick for us.
Also strange that he only responds to my review after a year.
If he would like to let us know what the cause was, then we will also have the opportunity to be heard and to defend ourselves.
This reaction is also unworthy of a Christian. and redundant.
Here, revenge and anger are expressed because we lodged a complaint.

Now we can also file a complaint at his office and that will now happen.
We do not wish to be dragged through the mud again after our departure.
Part 3.
Since Mr. Klein continues with libel and slander against us and also mentions our name, we are forced to write the third review. We have read the reflection on his reprimand, at the bottom of the complaints procedure that did not exist in 2019. Nowhere do we find that he received this serious reprimand for never having written the disputed final report without our consent with serious consequences for us. Wiping his alley.
But money doesn't stink, he lives in a country house and we now in a flat 7 high if there is a god we hope that he will be refused at the gate of heaven when his end is there.


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