Debbie Dykes

3 years ago

When I started I loved UMA and now it is like the ...

When I started I loved UMA and now it is like the boyfriend you have gotten to know better. You love them but know they snore, or sometimes you feel frustrated. Yes they are great at pumping you up to enroll, but after the first 6 weeks they kind of leave you lonely for attention. At first I had very interactive instructors, but as time has gone by my advisors and instructors are way more hands off. I am glad I signed up for UMA for billing and coding, just do not know if I should have pushed on to the associates degree, because I do not think it makes that big of a difference in the end. (At Least it has not so far) I wanted to change my life and I did, UMA was very easy to enroll, but they need to know that you feel like cattle being herded to the pin, all answers are enroll. In reality there were several questions that were answered with untruths, which I was able to find out after I enrolled. Not lied to but not all the information given.(improvement needed in this area) Knowing all I know I still would have signed up for this program because I had already made that decision before I called.

If someone wants to get into billing they need to know 1) to volunteer in an office 2) check out requirements for billing in your area 3) you have to think of enrollment as an investment in you. UMA has great labs and videos for almost every subject, they can help you freshen up on powerpoint and excel or introduce you to it for the first time, and really give you an understanding of the systems. UMA is always there when you want to study and they have so many great outsources for information. The roadmaps are great at keeping you on track and it is a reminder of what is next. Breaking it down helps you fit it into your schedule, and it makes the hills seem less like mountains. I have worked hard for this degree and UMA is as excited about my grade average as I am, and are really trying to help me get into a position in an office doing what I have been trained to do. The jobs dept is helping get my information out there to offices I do not even know about, so it really opens up possibilities. It is not a walk in the park but no program is it takes hard work and determination, but UMA is as determined as I am. I am proud to say I went to UMA, and look forward to what doors this program has opened up for my life.


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