Jeff Turner

4 years ago

This clinic does not care about you or your animal...

This clinic does not care about you or your animal. We took our Shitzu Chewy in after we caught him with mouse poison in his mouth. We arrived at Kuna Pet Care within 20 minutes and they needed to induce vomiting but they admittadley didn t know what dosage of Hydrogen Peroxide to give him so it took them a few minutes to induce vomiting. Once they finished up and gave him some charcoal they sent him home with us. The next day he was not doing well so we took him to another clinic. After two overnight stays in that clinic and $2500 later we got him home with a feeding tube as he was unable to eat and drink on his own. They told us his mouth, throat and stomach were full of ulcers and lesions so bad that his stomach looked like spaghetti. They told us that the poison didn t do this but it was due to Kuna Pet Care s treatment. When I confronted Kuna Pet Care they asked me to write down everything that happened and email it to them, so I reluctantly did this. After a few days they contacted me and basically said that they were confident in their treatment. They didn t deny that their treatment caused this but they didn t take any responsibility either. I could tell right from the start of my conversations that they didn t care about anything but themselves. They didn t offer me any explanation, any condolences or nothing but instead saying their treatment was correct. What a joke, I am out $2500 due to their treatment and they don t care at all. I will never take another animal to these guys again and I would caution anyone else who considers this Kuna Pet Care Clinic.


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